
H-1b Filing Tip of The Day

Today’s tip is to make sure you know where to file your application.  I went to college, and law school and have been practicing for 15 years. I never knew I needed a PH.D to figure out where to file an immigration application!

Confirm the correct filing location:

Should the petition be filed at the Vermont Service Center (VSC) or California Service Center (CSC)? USCIS is likely to reject petitions filed at the wrong service center. If two or more worksites are listed on the I-129, file at the service center with jurisdiction over the company’s headquarters, even if the two worksites are in the other service center’s jurisdiction.

Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker

Regular Processing

Except for the classifications listed below, Form I-129 is filed at the California Service Center or Vermont Service Center, depending on the location of the temporary employment or training.

Filing for Temporary Employment or Training in More Than One Location

When the temporary employment or training will be in different locations, the state where your company or organization’s primary office is located will determine the appropriate Service Center to which you should send your Form I-129 package, regardless of where in the United States the various worksites are located. For example, if the beneficiary will work in Arizona and Texas, and your company’s primary office is in New York, file Form I-129 with the Vermont Service Center. If the beneficiary will work in Florida and Georgia, and your company’s primary office is in California, file Form I-129 with the California Service Center.

When the temporary employment or training will be in different locations within the same state, the state where your company or organization’s primary office is located will still be used to determine the appropriate Service Center to which you should send your Form I-129 package. For example, if the beneficiary will work in two or more different locations in the state of Arizona, and your company’s primary office is in New York, you would file Form I-129 with the Vermont Service Center.

Listing your Organization’s Primary Address

Your company or organization’s primary office should be listed on page 1 part 1. If you are listing a home office in part 5, question 3, we will consider this a separate and distinct worksite location.

Providing Additional Information

In addition to part 5 questions 3, you may also use part 9 of Form I-129 (with a revision date of 10/23/2014) to list additional worksite locations if you need extra space.

Submitting Your H-1B Package

Two versions of Form I-129 are available for use (one with the revision date of 11/23/2010, and one with a revision date of 10/23/2014); however, only use one version of the form when submitting an H-1B package. Please do not combine two versions of the form as doing so may impact the data entry process.

Except for the classifications listed below, Form I-129 is filed at the California Service Center or Vermont Service Center, depending on the location of the temporary employment or training.

Before submitting your form(s), note the different addresses.
